The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg Remastered in 4K
The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg has been remastered in 4K for a 25th anniversary re-release to mark 90 years since Greenberg took off on Yom Kippur in 1934.…
Extra Innings from 9/11: 20 Years Later (on the 23rd Anniversary)
Extra Innings from 9/11: 20 Years Later takes a look at baseball’s role in the power of healing in the aftermath of the terrorist attack. It’s fitting that the documentary…
Mike Schmidt The Phillies’ Legendary Slugger by Rob Maaddi
The Phillies’ Legendary Slugger
Lefty and Tim by William C. Kashatus
How Steve Carlton and Tim McCarver Became Baseball’s Best Battery
Branca’s Pitch: Ralph Branca Looks Back
Branca’s Pitch goes beyond The Shot Heard Round the World as retired Dodgers pitcher Ralph Branca works on writing his memoir. While perusing through the baseball documentaries available through the…
Luckiest Man: The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig by Jonathan Eig
The Life and Death of Lou Gehrig